The one day workshops are a fun way to connect to your creativity and your passions. We examine our limiting beliefs and we go on a journey to connect to our hopes, dreams and desires. On the abundance workshop we create a vision board to clearly indicate to ourselves and the Universe exactly what it is we want in our lives. I offer various one day workshops such as inner child, abundance, conscious parenting etc. If you want to find out what the Topic of the next one day workshop is please connect with me.
The Two day Workshops
This two day - You can Heal your Life Workshop - is truly a life changing and deeply transforming workshop. I highly recommend this for those who are willing and ready to dig deep within to find the keys to their own healing and happiness. Learning to love self is the start of building a deeply fulfilling life. This is the same workshop Louise Hay became famous for, and is run in exactly the same way that Louise used to run it.
The One day Workshops
Team Building Workshops
These workshops typically run for 4 hours and during these workshops we connect to our creativity, inner child and joy. We connect in ways that are fun and it creates opportunities for bonding in a relaxed and stress free environment.